Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Hello my readers, today I'm going to talk about tournaments. Tournaments are awesome it tells you what level your in and it lets you compete with different people. Tournaments is a way to show people what you can do. So in tournaments if you show aggression, good format, speed, power, and  skill your opponent will be scared of you and lose right away. Many mistakes that you are having in a tournament is anger, like my coach says "its not that she won its that you lost" which means you make so much simple mistakes that you are giving her the match. To prevent from that, you have to keep your cool show that your are not going to give up, if you show that you are mad that builds their self esteem, but you have to be patient soon your opponent will be the one who will be making mistakes. Another mistake people may have when they have their tournament or match is they are worrying to much! Remember its just a game so have fun, if you keep thinking to yourself that you are going lose you will definitely lose. Think happy thoughts think out a strategy that you will be using to win. Also, keep saying to yourself "I'm going to win" "I'm going to win!" Tournaments are very important its when you have to work extra hard, and try to win every point, but most of all its to show that you will never give up.

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